Axe River Anthology
I am delighted to share that not one, but two. of my short stories have been published in the first Axe River Books Short Story Prize Anthology. Both stories of mine in the anthology, 'Happy New Year' and 'A Day in the Life of the Seasons', strive to capture something of space and time, embracing what it is to live and to love.
These are my first fiction print publications, so it feels like a cause to celebrate! While both of these stories were originally written during my time studying for a BA, revisiting them and editing them into the short stories they became was a rewarding process that challenged me to consider the motivations of my characters and their responses to their environments in a way that I might not have upon first writing.
I would like to express my gratitude to Axe River Publishing for including my stories within this bold collection of contemporary literature from a range of debut authors. If you’d like to support these authors and check out a brilliant collection of stories, then click the link below to pick up your copy of the anthology.
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